Jackson Hole Airport 2022 Closure, Alternate Travel Options

How Can You Get to Jackson Hole When the Airport Shuts Down?

Jackson Hole Airport (JAC) is scheduled for closure from April 11 to June 28, 2022. 

Don’t let that keep you from taking your dream vacation to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  We’re here to let you know what’s causing the airport closure, but we’re also going to help you find the best Jackson Hole transportation options to ensure you have the most seamless travel experience possible.

What kind of work is being done at the Jackson Hole Airport to cause a three month closure?  

They will be working on the runway at JAC. According to the airport’s website, “The last time the runway was fully reconstructed was in the 1970’s.” This project has been a year in the making, starting around June 2021, and is scheduled for completion around August 2022. All other work is to be completed during off hours, in order to keep the airport running.

What does that mean for your spring and summer plans? 

Will you still be able to make it to this vacation paradise? Fear not, we’re here to help you make it to your dream vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming! While the closure may seem like a frustrating inconvenience, there are several options in traveling to Jackson Hole. 

What are some alternate options in traveling to Jackson Hole?

1. Train: Amtrak is an option for those traveling from bigger cities nearby, such as Salt Lake City, Utah. However, many Amtrak trips are vacations on their own and it is not a very fast trip.

2. Car or Bus: Driving to Jackson Hole is always an option, especially if traveling within the USA. Once again, though, this is not a very fast option that steals away time spent in Jackson Hole to leave time for traveling.

3. Plane: While Jackson Hole Airport may be closed, this doesn’t take flying off the table for travel. There are a few airports nearby:

 -- Private Airports: There are 2 private airports near Jackson Hole, one in Driggs and the other in Alpine. Being that they’re private airports, this isn’t a super accessible option for most.

 -- Idaho Falls Airport (IDA): This option just may be the best overall option for those traveling to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Idaho Falls Airport is the closest public airport, about 90 miles away, from Jackson Hole. This means it is only a quick 2 hour drive to your dream vacation destination.

What Is the Best Jackson Hole Transportation Option?

Easy! Let Double Black Transportation shuttle you to Jackson Hole from Idaho Falls Airport! No muss, no fuss. You can begin your vacation in style with Double Black’s sleek shuttles, including wraparound seating, custom lighting system and surround-sound speakers.

Even better, once you're in Jackson Hole, you can continue to use Double Black Transportation for local travel, too! They even have tours, so you can hit up all the best local hot spots, check out the national parks in style and much more.

As Jackson Hole's premium shuttle service, let Double Black Transportation get you to and around Jackson Hole, so you can enjoy your vacation safely and in style!